Prosecution Leaders of Now Spring 2024 Workshop

AI and Prosecution

Explore how AI may change prosecution, prosecution organizations, and the way we strive to assure everyone experiences safety. This event on April 17-18, 2024, at Southern Methodist University, brings together experts to discuss the future of AI in prosecution.


AI and Prosecution: An Interdisciplinary Workshop for Exploration

How will artificial intelligence technology affect the practice of prosecution in the next five years? How can we make sure AI enhances public safety and doesn’t make it worse? How will it affect discovery? Plea bargaining? Bail recommendations? Litigation strategy? Forensic evidence?

The Prosecution Leaders of Now spring 2024 workshop is AI and Prosecution, brought forward with philanthropic funding from Microsoft’s Justice Reform Initiative and Arnold Ventures. This event is interdisciplinary and includes participation from prosecutors, community leaders, academics, technical assistance providers, legal technology vendors, and funders.

The event takes place April 17-18 in Dallas, TX at Southern Methodist University’s Miller Events Center, 3009 Binkley Ave, Dallas, TX 75205

Join us to learn from experts, engage in thought-provoking discussions, and network with an interdisciplinary group of professionals. Our goal is to distill the policies we should consider, the research questions we should prioritize, and the developments that should have our attention.


The AI and Prosecution workshop is put on by Prosecution Leaders of Now, a leadership and management support developed specifically for local prosecutors’ offices.

Through tailored on-site consulting, executive coaching, workshops, project management, and trainings, PLN helps emerging and established leaders in prosecution from across the country execute on their goals in the complex environment of public safety. Find out more here.

Graciously hosted by the Deason Criminal Justice Reform Center.

Philanthropic funding from:

In collaboration with:


You can find a PDF version of the agenda here. Please wear whatever you feel comfortable networking professionally in to the workshop–suits not expected!

April 16 - Day Zero

Location: Meadows Museum

5-7 PM CT

Welcome Reception at Meadows Museum (5900 Bishop Blvd., Dallas, TX 75205)

April 17 - Day One

8:15 AM

Breakfast Opens

9:00 AM

Welcome and Orientation to the Workshop

9:30 AM

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (Lucas Meyer, Microsoft)

10:10 AM

Coffee Break

10:20 AM

Justice Applications of AI (Rory Pulvino, Justice Innovation Lab)

10:45 AM

LexisNexis AI Demo (Zackary Gibbons, LexisNexis)

11:05 AM

Coffee Break

11:15 AM

Activity / Small Groups Discussions

11:45 AM

Lunch with Glass Box v. Black Box Justice (Brandon Garrett, Duke Law)

12:45 PM

Panel Discussion: Defense Perspectives on AI (Carlos Martinez, Devshi Mehrotra, Rocky Ramirez, Mohammed Al Rawi, and Pam Metzger)

2:00 PM

Coffee Break

2:10 PM

Panel Discussion: The Space Between Tech and Legal Ethics (Ashkhen Kazaryan, Hiwot Tesfaye, Aish Shukla, Jumana Musa, and Rory Pulvino)

3:25 PM

Coffee Break

3:40 PM

Panel Discussion: Perspectives of Directly Impacted Community Members (Aswad Thomas, Jamila Hodge, Terah Lawyer, Mike Nelson, Patrick Robinson)

4:55 PM


April 18 - Day Two

8:15 AM

Breakfast Opens

9:00 AM

Welcome and Orientation Day to the Workshop

9:30 AM

A Very Brief Introduction to Design Thinking

9:45 AM

“What we know about how LLMs and AI work” (Frank Coyle, Lyle School of Computer Science, Southern Methodist University)

10:45 AM

Coffee Break

10:55 AM

Identifying Problems and Opportunities

11:15 AM

Prioritizing Problems and Opportunities

11:45 AM

Working Lunch – Finalizing Problem Statement and Brainstorming Solutions

12:45 PM

Team Up, Share, Feedback, Collaborate

1:15 PM

Coffee Break

1:30 PM

Refining Solutions and First Prototypes

2:00 PM

Gallery Walk

2:40 PM

Update and Iterate

2:55 PM

5 min. Presentations, Q&A, Feedback (As Time Allows)

3:35 PM

Closing and Takeaways

4:00 PM

Event Concludes

Our Speakers

Meet our distinguished speakers, a group of renowned experts from various fields including law, technology, and academia. Each brings unique insights into the impact of artificial intelligence on prosecution and justice. Explore their profiles to learn more.

Frank Coyle

Frank Coyle is an Associate Professor at Southern Methodist University, focusing on enhancing Large Language Models like ChatGPT for diverse industries. His background includes a blend of psychology and computer science, enriching his research and contributions to AI applications across multiple fields.

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Briana Evans

Briana Evans is a co-founder of Prosecution Leaders of Now (PLN) and a dedicated equity design strategist. With extensive experience in creating community-based solutions and promoting social equity, Briana provides crucial support and training to district attorneys' offices nationwide, furthering her impact as an advocate for systemic change.

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Brandon L. Garrett

Brandon L. Garrett is a distinguished professor at Duke Law, known for his expertise in criminal justice, evidence, and constitutional rights. His influential work, including his critique on AI in criminal justice, has been recognized by courts and policymakers worldwide.

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Zackary Gibbons

Zackary Gibbons is the Southwest Regional Manager for Specialized Law at LexisNexis, where he applies over a decade of legal research expertise to enhance online legal solutions. An advocate for ethical AI use in law, he influences product strategy and development through his role on Lexis’s Product Advisory Board.

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Jamila Hodge

Jamila Hodge is the Executive Director at Equal Justice USA, bringing over 15 years of experience as a prosecutor and policy advisor. At EJUSA, she focuses on building alternative solutions to violence outside the traditional legal system, having previously spearheaded significant reform initiatives at the Vera Institute of Justice.

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Ashkhen Kazaryan

Ashkhen Kazaryan is a Senior Fellow at Stand Together, where she develops policy projects focusing on free speech, content moderation, and the relationship between constitutional rights and technology. Previously, she shaped content regulation policies at Meta, emphasizing free speech online and cultural pluralism.

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Terah Lawyer

Terah Lawyer is a prominent advocate and program leader at CROP, previously guiding Impact Justice’s Homecoming Project to national recognition by providing sustainable housing to returning citizens. Her remarkable journey includes developing rehabilitation programs during her incarceration and continuing her advocacy for criminal justice reform upon reentry.

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Carlos J. Martinez

Carlos J. Martinez, the Public Defender for the 11th Judicial Circuit of Florida, oversees the state's largest Public Defender's Office. With a wealth of management experience, he has significantly contributed to legal reforms and advocates for rights restoration and systemic changes in public defense.

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Devshi Mehrotra

Devshi Mehrotra, CEO and co-founder of JusticeText, is revolutionizing police accountability with software that assists public defenders in analyzing body-worn camera footage. A recognized leader at the intersection of technology and social good, her pioneering work has garnered significant accolades and support.

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Pamela Metzger

Pamela Metzger is the Executive Director of the Deason Criminal Justice Reform Center at SMU Dedman School of Law. Renowned for her expertise in public defense and the Sixth Amendment, she combines rigorous research with advocacy to enhance the criminal legal system.

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Lucas A. Meyer

Lucas A. Meyer is a Principal Research Scientist at the Microsoft AI for Good Lab, where he specializes in Natural Language Processing and its applications in economics and cultural heritage. His expertise includes combating fraud at major tech companies like Microsoft and Amazon.

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Jumana Musa

Jumana Musa is a human rights attorney and the Director of the Fourth Amendment Center at the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. She leads efforts to reshape Fourth Amendment doctrine in response to emerging technologies and AI, enhancing legal defenses against government surveillance.

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Michael Nelson

Michael Nelson is the Executive Director of Kid C.A.T., an organization focused on transforming the lives of incarcerated youth. With a deep commitment to Restorative Justice, he utilizes his experiences and lessons from over 20 years in prison to facilitate healing and accountability through communal storytelling and circle keeping.

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Rory Pulvino

Rory Pulvino is the director of analytics at Justice Innovation Lab, where he pioneers data-driven solutions for a fairer justice system. His background includes enhancing data systems and decision-making processes in various prosecutor offices, demonstrating a strong commitment to justice reform.

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Rocky Ramirez

Rocky Ramirez is a Felony Assistant Public Defender at the Concho Valley Public Defender’s Office. With a diverse background in law, sound engineering, and technology, Rocky is passionate about advancing the use of technology in indigent criminal defense, bringing innovative solutions to the legal field.

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Mohammed Al Rawi

Mohammed Al Rawi is the Chief Information Officer at the Los Angeles County Public Defender's Office, where he has spearheaded the largest digital overhaul in its history. Under his leadership, the office has integrated cutting-edge technologies like AI to enhance legal services for over 100,000 residents annually, significantly advancing criminal defense capabilities.

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Patrick Robinson

Patrick Robinson is the founder of VSV Leadership and co-founder of Prosecution Leaders of Now. With a rich background that includes military prosecution, strategic grant-making at the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, and extensive leadership training, Patrick brings a unique perspective to organizational development and criminal justice innovation.

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Aish Shukla

Aish Shukla is the Chief Technology Officer at the International Refugee Assistance Project (IRAP), where he leverages two decades of software industry experience to enhance technology infrastructure and digital experiences. His background includes significant roles at Microsoft, Oracle, and Salesforce, focusing on global technology management and operations.

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Hiwot Tesfaye

Hiwot Tesfaye serves as a Technical Advisor in Microsoft’s Office of Responsible AI, focusing on developing and promoting responsible AI practices. Previously at SAS Institute, she established the Data Ethics Practice and contributed significantly to health and life sciences analytics. Hiwot’s work emphasizes fairness and inclusiveness in AI applications.

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Aswad Thomas

Aswad Thomas is the Vice President of the Alliance for Safety and Justice and National Director of Crime Survivors for Safety and Justice. A survivor of gun violence, Aswad leverages his personal experiences and expertise in policy to advocate for criminal justice reform and community safety, focusing on elevating the voices of violence survivors.

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Participating Organizations

While this isn’t everyone who has registered, here is a list of organizations from those who have provided permission to share with other attendees that they’re coming:

Alliance for Safety and Justice
Arnold Ventures
Association of Prosecuting Attorneys
Boulder County District Attorney's Office
CROP Organization
Center for Justice Innovation
Center for Justice Research at Texas Southern University
Cleveland State University
Concho Valley Public Defender
Council on Criminal Justice
Dallas County District Attorney's Office
DeKalb County District Attorney's Office
Deason Capital Services
Deason Criminal Justice Reform Center at Southern Methodist University
Department of Justice, Office for Access to Justice
Duke University School of Law and Wilson Center for Science and Justice
Equal Justice USA
Federal Public Defender, Northern District of Texas
Granite Public Affairs
Hennepin County Attorney's Office
Indiana University - Bloomington
Institute for Innovation in Prosecution at John Jay College
Justice Innovation Lab
Justice Through Code (Alumni)
Justice through Code at the Tamer Center for Justice at Columbia University
Kid C.A.T.
LA County DA's Office
Law Office of the Public Defender Carlos J. Martinez, Miami-Dade
Light of Justice Program (V.O.T.E.)
Los Angeles County, Public Defender
Loyola Chicago Center for Criminal Justice
Lyle School of Engineering, Southern Methodist University
Measures For Justice
Montgomery County (TX) District Attorney's Office
Multnomah County District Attorney's Office
National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
National District Attorneys Association
Navigation Fund
New York County District Attorney's Office
Personal AI
Philadelphia District Attorney's Office
Platte County Prosecutor's Office
Prosecution Leaders of Now
Prosecutors' Center for Excellence
Public Defender, 11th Judicial Circuit, Miami-Dade, Florida
R Street Institute
Right on Crime, Texas Public Policy Foundation
SSRC Prosecution Research Initiative
Salt Lake County District Attorney's Office
San Diego County District Attorney's Office
Santa Clara County District Attorney's Office
Stand Together
Urban Institute
VSV Leadership
Vera Institute of Justice
Yale Law School, Justice Collaboratory
Yarak Consulting

You can also find the running list of participating organizations here.

AI Articles

Over the past few months, we’ve been sharing articles on AI to expand our collective thinking about what exists now, what is possible, and what AI may mean for prosecution. Share your questions about AI topics from the articles and beyond here.

Your questions influence the conversation at the workshop. We have this live Slido page available for you to anonymously submit your questions about AI before and during the event. You can also see and upvote others’ questions.

Artificial Intelligence In Criminal Court Won’t Be Precogs

Rory Pulvino (Medium) (10/31/2023)
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The Case for Generative AI in the Legal Field

Nvidia's "The AI Podcast" January 2024
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The AI Lawyer is Here: How Artificial Intelligence is making its way into the legal system

Jamiles Lartey at The Marshall Project (TMP) (2/10/24)
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The Right to a Glass Box: Rethinking the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Criminal Justice

Brandon Garrett and Dr. Cynthia Rudin (Duke Law School Public Law & Legal Theory Series No. 2023-03)
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You can find a printable, hyperlinked list of the articles here.

Plan for AI in Your Work


Developing a policy on AI use in your office? Considering the impact of technology on your strategic plan? Looking for ways to engage stakeholders in challenging conversations about the future?

Contact the PLN team for tailored support at

Notes from the workshop:

Workshop presentations are available here:

You can see the graphic notes from the workshop here:

Prosecution Leaders of Now supports emerging and established leaders to navigate complexity.  Reach out for consultation or sign up for the next PLN cohort waitlist here.